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verbal handcuffs中文是什么意思

"verbal handcuffs"怎么读


  • When someone won't stop talking (usually about a subject you have no interest in). The talker has verbally forced you to stand there there and listen, even though you have given many clues that you have checked out. Examples: vacant stares, looking at your watch, checking your phone, answering in short one word phrases.
  • > Girl 1 :So then I realized my cat really likes Meow Mix more than Frisky's but only if I mix it with Fancy Feast.
  • > Girl 2: (Stares blankly)
  • > Girl 1: Unless of course it's Chicken Livers from 9 Lives, Snowball loves that. It's her favorite.
  • > Girl 2: Uh-huh.
  • > Girl 1: Of course on her birthday I give her the good stuff, real tuna!
  • > Girl 2: (Thinks fuck me, verbal handcuffs)
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